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12:07 AM - August 03, 2012
Blood Clot
And distance matters weither you admit or not.

8:50 AM - July 28, 2012
Inner Compass
My sense of direction is terrible, no matter the distance. If you're not in front of me with arrows pointing at you, you're better off coming to find me. (Left, left damn it. Left! Go the other way!)

8:21 PM - July 20, 2012
"You don't like yourself. But you do admire yourself. It's all you've got so you cling to it." -Wilson, House M.D

1:51 AM - July 20, 2012
Necks And Ladders
The river brings the best out of her.

6:28 PM - July 12, 2012
Over And Under
He turned his head back then too, and today asked me if i remembered him. I lied of coarse, because i wasn't sure. I hardly recognize the people i used to know.

8:41 PM - July 10, 2012
Lights Meet
"Even when you don't know you're falling for me. / Will you fall for it? " -Eclipsed, Evans Blue

8:16 PM - July 10, 2012
Most of the time i just want to give up and survive the only way i know i can. I see these opportunities thrown before my feet and scowl, because they come and go so easily. The people who see the good in me try to help. They tempt even the practical me. I can see myself going back to school and the government paying for it, but then i would lose my current job and the year i promised myself. I would not have any income to fall back upon. And then there are the closed doors, the ones i fear.

1:41 AM - June 26, 2012
Cry In The Night
After all these years it's still my first response to being hit, to strike back harder. I can regret it all i want, but it would be even worse if i didn't. I'm sorry if that makes you love me any less.

12:10 AM - June 22, 2012
Gde Tonko - Tam I Rvyotsya
I thought about cutting again last night, lovely lines across my pale skin. So easy to do, but harder to forgot. Instead i wore my sluttiest top in hope for a tan, to distract me, remind me. I burnt red.

3:24 PM - June 21, 2012
My tower is a thing of beauty.

3:36 PM - June 14, 2012
Round Two
Amongst my friends i had been the most motherly, but that girl, she was born to be one. I'm glad she settled down.

6:19 AM - June 07, 2012
Drawing Invisible Lines
Are you satisfied with the way things are? I'm not. I'm staring at the lines we do not cross and wondering who else sees them.

8:08 AM - June 06, 2012
Apparently some creepy guy in sweatpants had come around while i was in my room changing, knocking like an idiot when we have a doorbell. I ignored him because of this, and later mom came home worried, because Ocean had seen him. Told me not to answer the door and left again, while i still want to know who the fuck it was. Strangers aren't welcome here.

2:12 PM - June 02, 2012
My sister plans to take her kids and run.

9:40 AM - May 22, 2012
Ten hours until my surgery, eight until i have to be at the hospital.

11:17 AM - May 21, 2012
Bad Medicine
Fall for me, i dare you.

2:49 PM - May 14, 2012
My cousin's mom once told her she wished she had never been born, and when mom has drugs in her, i know she feels the same way. It's one of the reasons i act the way i do.

11:53 PM - May 01, 2012
I am cruel, but ever kind.

11:49 PM - May 01, 2012
I'm telling you now, i won't make it easy. You can think you're getting somewhere, and i will walk you straight into walls and laugh. Just prove to me that you are worth it, and i will respond in kind.

10:45 PM - May 01, 2012
The Art Of Losing
Above all else, i want something that endures.

7:07 AM - April 22, 2012
Fact 68
How often i swear usually depends on my mood, and how tired i am, then who i am dealing with. On bad days, i can give our neighbour a run for his money and then some.

6:59 AM - April 11, 2012
So let's talk about love and online dating for a minute. I could never be so daring, i can hardly stand to reach out to the people i know in real life. I got this idea in my head that one day, they will feel the same pull i do and meet me half way. Long hair, beautiful eyes. Hell maybe even glasses. But i'm not holding out, i know better then that. They can't beat the men in my head and i can live without love, because it's an idea. Most of all i doubt a screen could change this, it's got to be his voice. I need a reason.

8:46 AM - April 10, 2012
It's almost been two weeks since i last wrote. I finished both games and their expansions awhile ago. I just haven't felt the urge to come back here, but i did think about it, thought about you. I miss you, but i am content.

5:23 AM - March 22, 2012
It used to bother me when she never wanted to get home, but now when i'm lonely, it's her i miss the most. I wish she wouldn't of fucked up so badly, so we could of still been friends. She wasn't the greatest, but i still needed her.

4:47 AM - March 22, 2012
The Regulators
My sister is going to lose her kids eventually, weither it be social services or the needle in her arm, and no kid deserves to see that.

4:35 AM - March 21, 2012
Fluid In Ears
It would be easier if i didn't care.

10:02 AM - March 17, 2012
Katie is used to me feeding her strange things, but the bay leaves in my hamburger soup had her eyeing it warily. Those were odd, even for me. I laughed when she asked what tree they came from.

10:41 AM - March 14, 2012
Missing Organs
Within the next month i will have my first surgery. I'm not afraid of dying or anything, i just don't like the idea of waking up groggy and missing more then a couple hours at a time. Reminds me of too many bad nights and horror movie clich�s.

11:04 AM - March 09, 2012
"You know what? I wished for you too." -Gary Hallet, Practical Magic

11:30 AM - March 08, 2012
All Those Crooked Smiles
She's like a little kid sometimes, her happiness is contagious and you can't help but grin back. It's incredibly endearing when she smiles.

6:31 AM - March 06, 2012
I will never be brave, no matter how many times i try.

2:09 PM - February 27, 2012
Don't move, don't close your eyes. Lying down makes the whole room spin, so just sit still for awhile.

1:57 PM - February 25, 2012
101 - Tongue To Pole
And every time it snows, she smells blood in the air, on the ground.

1:38 PM - February 25, 2012
Gone And Done It
You ought to of followed me boy, like you said you would.

11:26 AM - February 24, 2012
No matter how much i practice inside my head, i'm still afraid of being hurt, of the words not coming out right.

2:36 PM - February 22, 2012
Muddy Shoes
I won't be treated as a second thought to those i accually give a fuck about. That is what it comes down to.

10:45 AM - February 22, 2012
What's Mine
Despite my bouts of whimsy and easy going nature, i hold grudges like no tomorrow and rarely forgive people. I believe in revenge.

11:55 AM - February 17, 2012
The Weapons We Used
I knew her well. The girl who was huddled between the two glass doors, collapsing into herself. She was crying so hard, she couldn't tell if it was accually raining out and i never told her it wasn't.

11:20 AM - February 17, 2012
Even in my head, it's never me they love.

11:50 AM - February 15, 2012
And there are times when i forget, and jump at everything i want to teach them. I shove it down their throats with a snarl, or use cunning word play to get what i want through. I forget to be understanding and end up alienating them, pushing them away. And though it reminds me of her and how she got the balance right, i can never do it. There is no reluctant admiration afterwards.

9:15 AM - February 13, 2012
Never Enough
I know a lot of things. I know they say he loves me and that i wish it were true.

2:00 PM - February 12, 2012
Blue Light
Even fish that can survive for months out of water must return eventually.

10:25 AM - February 12, 2012
Crushed Glasses
Without fail every time i see him, the glint of his glasses catches my eye and he reminds me of some other guy i used to like. My heart immediately quickens.

11:29 AM - February 07, 2012
The truth is i want so much more.

11:26 AM - February 07, 2012
Lying To Yourself
It really shouldn't surprise them now that i'm quitting school, as they are the ones who put the idea in my head, and it's not like i can afford $100 per credit this year anyway.

11:27 AM - February 05, 2012
And she bathes in the crushed flowers, thinking you could of been mine, in another life, another time.

12:00 PM - January 28, 2012
Zinnia And Yew
Today is my birthday, i am twenty one.

11:59 AM - January 28, 2012
Smeared Make-Up
The truth is, it hurts a lot and as much as i want you too see it, you won't get a chance too.

1:15 PM - January 26, 2012
Two Halves Of A Soul
That's a scary thought, being unable to find love because you were born whole and never knew.

11:47 AM - January 25, 2012
Look Out
I should be happy, i'm twenty-one in three days, legal everywhere and on the third of next month i'll have a ps3, but i'm not. I'm lonely and tired of the ways things are. I want to be able to swing and not tip the whole fucking thing over. I don't want to have to be so careful.

11:44 AM - January 25, 2012
Cupid Missed His Mark
Kallie doesn't see what she's doing to auntie, what she's doing to herself. She doesn't see the weight her mom is losing, what she's doing for control. She barely blinks an eye when he wears the same pants for a month.

1:56 PM - January 19, 2012
Little Girl Kisses
"I just want you to be the way i want you and no that's not the same way." -Starlight, Evans Blue

1:49 PM - January 19, 2012
Unable to still, they spend their whole lives at break neck speeds and then suddenly bam, they're burnt out. It's over all to quickly.

6:23 AM - January 16, 2012
Every Cent
It pisses me off, all these sacrifices i have to make.

6:20 AM - January 12, 2012
She says it with conviction, that i should go in every time i have an attack. It doesn't occur to her how i will get there, and that i shouldn't have to ask for everything, because it's to far to walk in that kind of pain.

7:38 AM - January 09, 2012
Watching You
"I can't tell if i am wrong." -Right Now, Evans Blue

3:35 AM - January 09, 2012
Windows To The Soul
Vulnerable, that's the only word i can find to describe the look in their eyes before they died. They knew they where dying and they never told anyone. No one else noticed.


to haunt, to startle, and way-lay

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